Made in Roath 2016

Made in Roath 2016

Sunday 19 October 2014

A Loverly Roath Saturday

My day started by checking out the Photo Marathon, outside the Mackintosh Community Centre.

A myriad of photos by local photographers – on all week, definitely worth checking out.

Just around the corner on Plasnewydd road, the Roadblock was a hive of bustling activity.  There were a variety of culinary delights, a chalk board where you could write what Roath means to you, and also music from the Studio 22 tent, which gave local young people a chance to perform, after working with the youth group (which is based at the Howardian Centre -

The Roath Space Program also made an appearance.  Locals were encouraged to write hopes for the future and post them in the box, ready to be sent off in a rocket at 7pm on Sunday!  We eagerly await a response.  

 After this I made my way to the Roath Park Pub, which has loads of stuff going on all week.

In the back, Amelia Thomas from Unity was working away, painting the pub in trademark Unity style – a pretty pink haired lady blending with graffiti lettering:

There was also the Everyday Art Fair (this caused me some confusion, in fact the fair itself is not every day – it was just on Saturday).  A lovely array of art for sale, which my camera failed to capture satisfactorily:

In the other room, Ellie Young was doing Portraits on Beer Mats.  The lovely little miniatures will go on show for the rest of the week, and can be collected by the subjects on Wednesday.  Do swing by to see them displayed at the Roath Park Pub before then!

Then, on my way back home, I stopped in at Drawey Walley Tangy Wangy, on Arran Street, where artist Wing Tang was attempting to draw as many sketches of people as he could, each in two minutes (ish). 

It was a cosy atmosphere in their living room, with lots of tiny cranes hanging from the ceiling (“I tried to make 1000, but got bored at number 83”), and games of Exquisite Corpse with pictures of Wing for the faces... disturbing!

The twist?  He was also drinking steadily throughout the afternoon (beers and Fireball whiskey).  Roy and I were one of the last to be sketched, at about 20 to 6. 

Roy and I


Not bad after a lot of whiskey and in about five minutes!   A fun end to the afternoon.  Later on, getting what we thought would be a quiet-ish dinner in the Claude pub, Roy and I were ambushed by people dancing with swords!  But more on that later!

- Rosey

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