Wednesday 19 October 2016

Made In Roath 2016

So Made in Roath is over for another year, the art work is being taken down, the streets are cleared of paint, chalk and puppets (we think, some of them got lose). The gazebos are making their way back to their homes ready for when Made in Roath next calls.  The volunteers, helpers, artists and everyone who opened up their homes for the festival have been or are being thanked endlessly and some of the Made in Roath team have actually managed to get some sleep. It was a fantastic week filled with many of the same delights that thrill us every October and have grown to become a favourite within our hearts, as well as many new creative treats and happenings that have become lodge in the fondness of our minds and I’m sure will go on to exist in the form of photographs taken and shared upon the social web which we’ll all look back on with smiles and joy as time passes and the delights slip from memory into recollection and once again into the tender warmth of reminiscence.

 Of not just the events, exhibitions and happenings but the moments we saw them, the people we were with, the locations we were in and places we walked past, the journeys we made, the new people we met, the times we shared together. As we were brought together as a group, whether you were a maker or viewer, regardless of who you are, where you come from, what you do or what you think, we all were all in one place for this, we all shared in that experience which was Made in Roath 2016.

I’ll be posting about certain aspects and moments of Made in Roath 2016 over the next few weeks, there’s a lot to post about, from Welcome House to Global Home, from the amazing cross stitch happenings to the incredible Moth, from the poetry readings to the exhibitions. To be honest I didn't see everything, I don't think I even managed to see a third of what was going on, there was just so much happening, and taking place everywhere. I am always amazed at the response and enthusiasm to which people do things, put on things, show and make things, display work, read and sing during one week in October, all in one small Cardiff community, all for Made in Roath.

 This amazement can only be topped by one thing and that is the team behind Made in Roath.  It comes as a surprise to most people that Made in Roath is all organised, put together and run by just a handful of people.  This year we had around 100 venues with who knows how many different bits of art and culture happening and all this was put together by about 11 people. There were more Dwarves going on Gandalf magical quest to slay a dragon in the Hobbit than there are organisers of Made in Roath. In fact we are only two more then the Fellowship of the Ring in Lord of the Rings, thinking about it more people have walked on the moon (12 people) than there were in the organisation team. Of course this very small (frequently sleep deprived team) cannot put on the festival alone, there is also the wonderfully amazingly group of volunteers, helpers and supporters who all come together and help in the most amazing ways to put things together and make things happen, not to mention all the amazing homes, businesses and galleries that show or help display work and the fantastic people who work there, plus the countless number of people who support Made in Roath in so many different ways.

But at the heart of this amazing group there are just 11 people, all meeting in 1 persons kitchen which acts as the MiR office. (Im not one of the 11 so I can say this) but I am constantly amazed at what they do and how they do it.   Every year the festival gets bigger and better, every year more people come and enjoy that very special thing which is Made in Roath, all thanks to them and to them on behalf of everyone I say Thank you. 

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